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jueves, 1 de abril de 2010

First message: stop doing what you’re doing but do something

(hahahaha NOT!)

So what does it take to be a good writer? Perhaps a colorful palette of words? A lifetime of experience? Accurate grammar? Critics who say you’re good? A good message?

I know I am totally anti “beautiful writing”…life is not always beautiful…Irvine welsh is one of the best writers in UK and yet he uses the dirtiest slang I have ever laid my eyes on…the used grammar leaves a lot to desire, too…his message? The dirty streets of Leeds and its vivid junkies’ stories…critics say he’s good, that Trainspotting is probably the best English book ever written…oh and the vocabulary he uses would make a sailor man blush.

So what am I trying to say? A lot!

That I believe in the simplicity of things, that we make life complicated, that we destroy everything we touch under the pretext of the good intention, that love can move the Universe? Not sure about that…still trying to find it out.

that’s why I am writing, I am the one who doubts the most all of the above…some say people in doubt should see a psychologist but I know the only thing they do is to help you help yourself by hearing out loud your objectivity towards your own life, so I’d rather spare my beer money and write to you, it’s free after all. Soon enough you’ll see my message…that I am disappointed with myself, with us, with how we do whatever that is we do…that I have no fear in spitting my filthy words…why wouldn’t I? Things are pretty fucked up anyway..

Lately my life had been upside down because of work…have no time for myself but yet I do nothing in the morning…I have all the time in the world and no time for anything. I have no rush but yet I believe things take too long…I am bored and yet so anxious…it’s either black or white, yes or no. don’t waste my time with excuses, I want the whole painful truth…and yet I like to think there is a way in between for the sake of reconciliation.

But not with McDonald’s.

Sometimes I buy my lunch here…to my disgrace…of course cuz in the end I am the one pissed off with the shit they sell and yet I am the first who eats it all up…but hey, just like you do! When I go there I am absolutely drooling over the pictures of all them tasty looking burgers, I even find it cheap!!! And what do I get for all this excitement? A shitty looking something nicely wrapped in a white paper..it tastes good, but not as I imagined. And I wonder, why do I walk out of this place eating what they give me? Cuz it definitely is not what I wanted nor asked for…it’s a big fat lie! The burger is not fat either…the pictures they have up there is brand marketing and what I buy is the side effect…what were they selling in the first place anyway? An image. What do I get? An optical illusion. What do I do in return? I take it and pay for it. That is killing me, I swear!!! I’ll switch to kebab.

I find it one of the most shocking things in this life, a continuous disappointment…I wish we all stopped buying from McDonald’s and all at once and let them know it’s because they lie to us all the time, that the burgers they serve are not real, are not what they promise! That it’s not cheap at all cuz that price if for the image and not for the product. I don’t care if that is all about marketing, since when is it a synonym for “lie”? Since when do we agree to this and why? Because it’s easier, because we can’t change it? You know how all this is like? It’s like at the office when the sandwich machine is broken and “eats” up all the coins without giving anything in return but when my colleagues see it they leave it like that…doesn’t matter if I only have a 50 cents coin which if I can’t use on pretzels maybe I’d like to use it on a coke…but no, the machine eats it up…because nobody is decent enough to put a fucking post it to say that the machine is broken! So what if the technician comes and gives me my money back? I just wanted either a coke or pretzels, not an useless machine.

Now, my friend, this says a lot about the society we live in.

It’s easy to pass by and cross your arms in front of failure…I find it extremely difficult. If I only live once, why the fuck would I be a passive piece of shit in my own life????

It’s easy to say “I could’ve done it, too!” or “they’ve done it wrongly!” or “it’s not my business!”

What is that you’re doing, then? Why didn’t you do it, then? What is your business?

It’s everybody’s business! Rights are the same for all, right? Or at least that’s what the upright ppl say…let’s take the same responsibility then, but let’s do it right now! You want this world to change, to be better? You be better! (…whatever that means…)

it means take a fucking post it and mark the errors you find, let ppl know the truth…would you like the doctor lie to you that you’re cured when you’re really not? It would be the worst joke ever…now that’s what I am saying…it’s a stupid filthy ugly deceiving fucking unfair joke!

miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2010

opinia unui presh obosit... .

Cand luam o nota proasta, era pentru ca mi-au pus-o in catalog.
Cand luam o nota buna, era pentru ca am stiut.
Notiunea de autoevaluare este un mister…intotdeauna ne evalueaza altii si intotdeauna o fac prost…
Marea descoperire a venit in ziua in care am stiut ca nota aia proasta tot eu am luat-o pentru ca NU am stiut si ca nota aia buna am luat-o pentru ca am stiut ce ma intreaba.
Dar asta nu are nicio relevanta...nu? :)

deranjeaza de fapt pretul care ne costa de fiecare data cand trebuie sa recunoastem raul pe care il facem...il platim cu scuze de 2 lei...eu cred ca valoreaza un adevar mai scump dar scuza e mai ieftina...deh, criza...

Asa ca, dragii mei prieteni, imi pare rau pentru:
momentele false, erau din lasitate (putinele momente false)
toate zilele in care nu v-am cautat (nici voi pe mine)
toate datile in care am promis ca nu voi spune nimanui ce-mi povesteati (...pana ajung acasa)
toate datile in care am vorbit de rau despre voi (si voi m-ati vorbit de rau)
toate datile in care v-am scanat de sus in jos, si nu invers (era pentru ca si voi faceati acelasi lucru)
toate datile in care m-am “bucurat” pentru succesele voastre (si voi mureati de ciuda cand imi mergea mie bine, si voua nu)
toate datile in care v-am spionat profilele sociale sa vad ce mai faceti, in schimb sa va sun..(da’ ce? Pe mine ma suna cineva?)
toate datile in care mi-ati cerut ajutorul si am taraganat-o pana cand v-ati ajutat singuri
si imi mai pare rau pentru toate barfele vomitate in sens direct sau contrariu (cine nu barfeste?)
( :[ )

Imi pare rau! Pentru tot!
Eu stiu cel mai bine cine sunt...in toata singuratatea mai sus explicata..
Eu ma inteleg cel mai bine si nu am nevoie de sfaturile nimanui, dar astept un telefon macar.
Si sunt aici pentru tine oricand vei avea nevoie de mine (numai si numai daca nu trebuie sa ma trezesc de dimineata si sa-ti dau haine cu imprumut)
Si daca ai nevoie de bani, mai bine sa nu imi ceri...ma costa hmmmmmmmmmmult, pana si o scuza de doi lei e prea mult pentru mine!

Si intrebarea mea este: ce dracului facem?!

Prietenia nu exista...nici intelegerea, nici compasiunea, nici rabdarea, nici ajutorul, nici dragostea, nici dorul...toate curvele astea de treaba s-au dus si ele dracului!
Am ramas cu nepretuita scuza, vorbele aruncate aiurea, singuratatea, mila, graba, uitarea, ura, furia, invidia, saracia, factura de telefon...ooooh, si sa nu uitam de minciuna, nerecunostinta, egoism, parsivitatea... ce mai...halal bordel de curve de lux ca sunt la mare pret in ziua de azi si cu cat le colectionam, cu atat mai bine, valorile de refugiu sunt scaparea in timp de criza!

Si ne intrebam uneori...oare cine-mi este prieten cu adevarat?
Si eu imi spun mereu...oare cine oi fi eu cu adevarat si daca sunt, atunci pentru cine? Si daca sunt pentru cineva, el/ea o sti asta?

Si iar ma supar...mie imi pare rau si sunt dispusa sa ma schimb, dar si tu trebuie sa te schimbi!

Ce puii mei e cacatul asta ieftin???!!!
Doar atat meritam de la viata? Pe bune alegem sa fim atttat de penibili?
Nu vreau sa aud nimic, nu vreau nimic!!!

Si daca ai ceva de comentat, te rog din sufletul meu asta corupt si slab , da mai mult de 2 lei pe mine, incearca sa-mi platesti un adevar un pic mai scump la pret!
Si daca nu poti nici atat, lasa-ma in pacea mea!

Toata aceasta sarada ma face sa plang si mi s-a luat sa ma tarasc pe jos de fiecare data cand mi-e dor... :((

sábado, 20 de marzo de 2010

Not in the morning...

I don’t like you. I don’t like the way you talk, move, act, scream, smell; dress like…i don’t like you at all. Now, why should I waste my time with you? Because there is a society who says I should be nice to you? Being false would make me a nice person…why would I even be false when I want nothing to do with you? Don’t even talk to me…your words stench so much I get sick… don’t sit next to me! Your presence sucks up all my energy…forget my contact email, phone number, address…you don’t know me and you never will. I don’t want to share my life with you…it’s too short anyway; I’d rather spend it with people I care about. What?! You think this is bollocks?! Nobody has ever been so honest to you? Well, I don’t know why I shouldn’t…I have the least interest in this world to lie to you…cuz when I lie I do it to protect my beloved…I don’t even want to waste my hate on you cuz you don’t deserve it…when you lie you do it to make up a life you’ll never have…hurting all around you…your life is a lie…you’re just like a bacteria resistant to antibiotics.

I hate it when my cell phone company wakes me up with their stupid offers!

If I wanted any,

I would’ve called!!!

jueves, 14 de enero de 2010

Introduction into Mary's bumblefuck

One of the hardest parts in this life is the moment of taking a decision. Fuck i hate it…
How will i ever know if I made the right choice…took the right way…how this will affect me and the others …there SOOOO many options…maybe they’re too many, maybe this huge pile of options cut down my breath and I’d better hedge it to the less possible…yeah…more oxygen to think now…

but will I be comfortable?
Is it gonna be alright?
What if I regret it later?
What if I change my mind on the way?
What if I overreact on the importance of it?
Uffffffff…this is what goes through my mind every fucking morning after the shower:

what am I gonna wear today, Lord?

Morning motivation

I check myself in the mirror and love to see the same wicked smile as of every morning.
I enjoy this.
I see many thoughts losing track.
I see ideas…mostly bad ideas…rush, impulsivity, fury, fire put off by water but still holding on…to tears, stench of mint, I see a naked body smelling terribly of morning…I see…I see an arm and a toothbrush with some white creamy kinda stuff on it, well…almost gross. Hell yeah.
But it’s just me brushing my teeth. This is another day of all the days remaining. But I like it. Stupidly, I see more than just a habit, this is my every day’s ritual.
I love brushing my teeth naked! …and the smell of fresh perfumed skin on an intelligent guy.